1 January, 1997
Now, about her prescribed medication and treatment for childhood illness: I received in my childhood treatment for about every illness I ever had. (Please don't think I am trying to make fun of her treatment or trying to belittle it because I am not. It was just the way it was in those days) The Torrey grapevine communication system was very good about letting her know of any illnesses in town. And if she knew of any illness she did not have to be requested to come. She would just take off on her own to see if she could help. So, I was treated many times by her for every childhood illness I ever had. For a head-ache or a stomach-ache or a fever. It seemed the first wave of medication was either: an enema or some kind of physic. There were three kinds of physics: milk of magnesia, castor oil or epsom salts. I got so I hoped that milk of magnesia would be prescribed and lastly castor oil. I hated castor oil. As I grew older I heard from talk around town that if a kid showed resentment or disrespect they always got castor oil as the first wave of medication. What really counts with me was I know her nursing service to the town of Torrey was very valuable and needed and was not appreciated as much as it should have been. I heard her claim that she learned from her father (Jorgen Smith) much about her nursing ability.
Sincerely and with love for the family,
taken from RAINBOW VIEWS
by Anne Snow
Having a calm cheerful disposition and unusual skill in treating the sick, she was often called to help in cases of illness and trouble. She delivered fifty-five babies alone and assisted doctors at other times, afterwards nursing their patients.
The material rewards were not great, for she often received no pay, and in some cases she herself supplied the sick with necessities. Through such work required sacrifice, she loved to help others and in so doing found joy and satisfaction.
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